
* pAmaru mUvulagum padaiththa *
paRpanAbAvO? *
pAmaru mUvulagum aLandha *
paRpapAdhAvO? **
thAmaraik kaNNAvO! * thaniyEn
thaniyALAvO! *
thAmaraik kaiyAvO! * unnai
enRu kol sErvadhuvE? 1

O Great! lotus-navel that created the worlds! O Great lotus-feet that strode the Earth! O Lord of lotus eyes, protector of this forlorn self! O Lord of lotus hands, when will I join you?

enRu kol sErvadhu? andhO! * aran
nAnmugan Eththum * seyya
nin thiruppAdhaththai yAn * nilam
nIr eri kAl ** viNNuyir
enRivai thAm mudhalA * mutRumAy
ninRa endhAyO! *
kunReduththu Anirai mEyththu * avai
kAththa em kUththAvO! 2

Alas, when am I to join your red lotus feet, fittingly worshipped by Siva and Brahma? O Lord who stands as Earth, Fire, water. Wind and sky! O My Dancer-Lord who protected the cows under a mount!

kAththa em kUththAvO! * malai Endhik
kalmAri thannai *
pUththaNthuzhAy mudiyAy! * punai
konRai anjchenjsadaiyAy! **
vAyththa en nAnmuganE! * vandhu en
Aruyir nIyAnAl *
Eththarum kIrththiyinAy! * unnai
engkuth thalaippeyvanE? 3

My Lord of cool Tulasi crown, my Lord of Konrai-blossom Siva, my four-faced Lord Brahma, Lord of praise worthy names, Lifting a mountain, you stopped a hailstorm. If indeed you are my soul's soul, pray where am I to meet you?

engkuth thalaippeyvan nAn? * ezhil
mUvulagum nIyE *
angkuyar mukkaN pirAn *
pirama perumAnavan nI **
vengkadhir vachchirakkai *
indhiran mudhalAth dheyvam nI *
kongkalar thaNNanthuzhAy mudi *
ennudaik kOvalanE! 4

O My Gopala, wearing a honey-dripping cool Tulasi wreath! You are the three fair worlds. The three-eyed Siva is you, the Lord Brahma too is you. The thunderbolt-Indra and all the other gods are you. Where am I to meet you?

ennudaik kOvalanE! * en
pollAk karumANikkamE! *
unnudai undhi malar * ulagam
avai mUnRum parandhu **
unnudaich sOdhi veLLaththu * agampAl
unnaik kaNdu koNdittu *
ennudaiyAruyirAr * engnganE
kol vandheydhuvarE? 5

My Gopala, my uncut black-gem Lord! The three worlds are spread in your lotus-navel. In the midst of your effulgent radiance, how is this soul to see and attain you?

vandheydhumARu aRiyEn * malgu
nIlachchudar thazhaippa *
senjchudarch sOdhigaL pUththu * oru
mANikkam sErvadhu pOl **
andharamEl sempattOdu * adi
undhi kai mArvu kaN vAy *
senjchudarch sOdhi vidavuRai *
en thirumArbanaiyE 6

I know not how to see the Lord with Lakshmi on his chest. He looks like a brilliant gem, spreading a flood of blue effulgence. His feet and hands, lips and eyes, chest and navel are like sparks of dazzling red blowing everywhere

en thirumArban thannai * en
malaimagaL kURan thannai *
enRum en nAmagaLai * agampAl
koNda nAnmuganai *
ninRa sasi pathiyai * nilam
kINdu eyil mUnReriththa *
venRu pulam thurandha *
visumbALiyaik kANEnO! 7

My Lord with Lakshmi on his chest, is the Lord with Parvati on his half, and the Lord with Sarasvati on his face, and the Lord of Indrani too. He lifted the Earth, burnt the three cities, subdued his senses and rules the world of the celestials, Alas, I do not see him!

ALiyaik kANbariyAy * ari kAN
nariyAy * arakkar
ULaiyittu anRu ilangkai kadandhu *
pilambukkoLippa **
mILiyam puLLaik kadAy * viRal
mAliyaik konRu * pinnum
ALuyar kunRangkaL seydhu *
adarththAnaiyum kANdungkolO? 8

Like horses before a ganayle, like foxes before a lion, the demons howled and left their haunts and went into hiding, when the Garuda-Lord killed the fierce Mail and stacked bodies like a mountain, Oh, can we not see him too?

kANdungkolO? nenjchamE! * kadiya
vinaiyE muyalum *
ANthiRal mILimoymbin *
arakkan kulaththaith thadindhu **
mINdum avan thambikkE *
virinIr ilangkai aruLi *
ANdu than sOdhi pukka *
amarar ari EtRinaiyE 9

Can we see him too, O Heart? He destroyed the demon clan of deathly might and wickedness, and gave the kingdom to the younger brother, then himself ruled like a lion among gods in abounding glory

EtRarum vaikundhaththai * aruLum
namakku * Ayar kulaththu
ItRiLam piLLai onRAyp pukku *
mAyangkaLE iyatRi **
kUtRiyal kanjchanaik konRu * aivarkkAyk
kodunjchEnai thadindhu *
AtRal mikkAn * periya
paranjchOdhi pukka ariyE 10

He took birth in the cowherd-clan, did many wondrous deeds, killed kamsa, befriended the Pandavas, and destroyed the armies, Full of patient goodness, he shall by his grace give us the precious ascent to Vaikunta, Haril.

* pukka ariyuruvAy * avuNan
udal kINdugandha *
chakkarach selvan thannaik *
kurugUrch satakOpan sonna **
mikka OrAyiraththuL * ivai
paththum vallAr avarai *
thokkup pallANdisaiththuk *
kavari seyvar EzhaiyarE 11

adivaravu: pAmaru enRu kAththa engku ennudaiya vandhu enthiru
ALi kANdu EtRa pukka Ezhai

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