aruththiththu enaiththOr * palanAL azhaiththERku **
poruththamudai * vAmanan thAn pugundhu * endhan
karuththaiyuRa * vItRirundhAn kaNdu koNdE 1
I worshipped and called for many days fervently, and prayed that I be heard and bound to his feet. Lo, the beautiful Vamana noticed me. He stole into my heart and made me his
irundhAn kaNdu koNdu * enadhEzhai nenjchALum *
thirundhAdha Oraivaraith * thEyndhaRa manni **
perunthAL kaLitRukku * aruL seytha perumAn *
tharundhAn aruL thAn * ini yAn aRiyEnE 2
All the while he stood watch over my lowly self, destroying the reckless five that ruled my heart, what more grace from the Lord, who graced the elephant in distress?
aruL thAn ini yAn aRiyEn * avan ennuL
iruL thAn aRa * vItRirundhAn idhuvallAl **
poruL thAn enin * mUvulagum poruLalla *
maruL thAn IdhO? * mAya mayakku mayakkE 3
More precious than the three worlds, he resides in me dispelling darkness. What a strange wonder this is! More than this, what grace can there be?
mAya mayakku mayakkAn * ennai vanjchiththu *
Ayan amararkku * ariyERu enadhammAn **
thUya sudarch sOdhi * thanadhennuL vaiththAn *
thEsam thigazhum * than thiruvaruL seydhE 4
Gopala my Lord is the lion of the celestials. He shall deceive me no more with his tricks. He placed his pure radiance within me. His grace shines m all the worlds!
thigazhum than thiruvaruL seydhu * ulagaththAr
pugazhum pugazh * thAnadhu kAttith thandhu ** ennuL
thigazhum * maNikkunRam onRE oththu ninRAn *
pugazhum pugazh * matRenakkumOr poruLE? 5
The radiant Lord is praised by all the worlds, like a radiant mountain gem, he came and stood in my heart does anything else matter now?
poruL matRenakkumOr poruL thannil * sIrkkath
tharumEl * pinnai yArkku avan thannaik kodukkum? **
karumANikkak kunRaththuth * thAmarai pOl *
thirumArbu kAl kaN kai * sevvAy undhiyAnE 6
If he gave me something else of value then whom would he give himself to? He stands in me like a mountain-gem, with coral lips, lotus chest; limbs and eyes, and lotus nave!
sevvAy undhi * veNpal sutarkkuzhai thammOdu *
evvAych sudarum * thammil munvaLAyk koLLa **
sevvAy muRuvalOdu * enadhuLLaththu irundha *
avvAy anRi * yAn aRiyEn matRaruLE 7
He stands before me with lotus navel, coral lips and pearl-white teeth, wearing radiant ear- rings, He is of exceeding effulgence, - Oh, with a smile I could embrace! He stays in my heart, I do not know a greater grace
aRiyEn matRaruL * ennai ALum pirAnAr *
veRidhE aruL seyvar * seyvArgatku ugandhu **
siRiyEnudaich * sindhaiyuL mUvulagum * than
neRiyA vayitRil koNdu * ninRozhindhArE 8
The Lord graces for nothing those whom he chooses. A greater grace I do not know. Containing the three worlds in himself, he has come to stay in my small heart
vayitRil koNdu * ninRozhindhArum yavarum *
vayitRil koNdu * ninRoru mUvulagum ** tham
vayitRil koNdu * ninRa vaNNam ninRa mAlai *
vayitRil koNdu * manna vaiththEn madhiyAlE 9
The Lord who contains the three worlds and all beings and celestials stands as one, forever unchanging , I have him my heart forever!
vaiththEn madhiyAl * enadhu uLLaththagaththE *
eyththEyozhivEn allEn * enRum eppOdhum **
moyththEy thirai * mOdhu thaNpARkadaluLAl *
paiththEy sudarp * pAmbaNai nam paranaiyE 10
I have placed in the recess of my heart the Lord who sleeps on a hooded serpent deep in the cool ocean of Milk. I shall never tire of contemplating him
* sudarp pAmbaNai nam paranaith * thirumAlai *
adichchEr vagai * vaNkurugUrch satakOpan **
mudippAn sonna Ayiraththu * ippaththum sanmam
vida * thEyndhaRa nOkkum * than kaNgaL sivandhE 11
This decad of the thousand songs by Satakopan of kurugur city addressing the Lord on hooded couch will secure the grace of the red-eyed Lord cutting rebirth
adivaravu: iruththum irundhAn aruL mAya thigazhum poruL
sevvAy aRiyEn vayitRil vaiththEn sudar kaNgaL
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